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Ting Yuen's Artist Diary

Artist Statement

I create lyrical worlds, where tribulations are perceived with inspiring humor, fetishes embraced with open arms, thoughts are symbolic, dreams are always infinite, and an ideal world is possible. In many ways, my paintings compose a diary of my everyday life and aspirations, expressing fears and joys that are personal but, at the same time, universal to the current consciousness.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Alas, Art Rush Gallery is open for the Season!

Dear Readers,
It's been a long and productive winter. Winter is my creative time, my gallery is closed for the season and I get to paint my new collection. Other than my painting schedule, my husband and I also love to escape into the meadow for a little cross country skiing. Unfortunately by mid March this year, I had a horrific ski accident and broke my ankle resulting in a short ski season but my painting continued. In the five months of hibernation, I painted a collection of new work, 22 in total. The painting above is called Gratitude, this was the first image I painted after my accident. I was grateful that it wasn't my wrist that I broke because I could still paint and I was also thankful that my husband was able to help me through this difficult time.
On May 22nd, 2010 our gallery : The Art Rush Gallery is now open for its fourth season. I am still hobbling around but am getting things done despite the pain of the injury. Now, almost four weeks since the opening, I have reconnected with some of my regulars and have had the pleasure to meet new acquaintances. Some of my new paintings have also found good homes which pleases me. In a week or so, I will have my new collection on my website as well as on my online etsy shop.

Running a gallery is a lot of fun but it sure takes a lot of hard work, determination, persistence and a little courage. I am living my dream and it's my aspiration to remind everyone to take the plunge and create your own destiny.

I would love to hear from you, so do leave me a comment and share your dream with me.

All Images and content are the copyright of Ting Yuen.