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Ting Yuen's Artist Diary

Artist Statement

I create lyrical worlds, where tribulations are perceived with inspiring humor, fetishes embraced with open arms, thoughts are symbolic, dreams are always infinite, and an ideal world is possible. In many ways, my paintings compose a diary of my everyday life and aspirations, expressing fears and joys that are personal but, at the same time, universal to the current consciousness.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sky is the Limit : Growth

New Art Rush Gallery, Kimberley, B.C. Canada
I can't believe the last time I posted was on 30th July 2010! Well, I admit I am a terrible blogger but from now on I will try to be more frequent with my updates. Since my last entry, my husband, Paul and I have moved to Kimberley, B.C. The reasons for our move, firstly we love to travel and work, secondly in order to grow we needed a place that is a little bigger than Wells. Here we are a year and two months later after the opening of our gallery, Art Rush Gallery is now three times bigger, we are finally open all year round and in addition Paul and I get to discover beautiful Kimberley!

Growth as usual has it's growing pain, I am juggling taking care of business and painting....not an easy task but I really have nothing to complain about because I am doing what I love.

Below is one of my new paintings that I've done in Kimberley : " Sky is the Limit ", she symbolizes the move and the growth that Paul and I have made ! If you wish to read the story please click here.
Sky is the Limit 30" x 48" by Ting Yuen