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Ting Yuen's Artist Diary

Artist Statement

I create lyrical worlds, where tribulations are perceived with inspiring humor, fetishes embraced with open arms, thoughts are symbolic, dreams are always infinite, and an ideal world is possible. In many ways, my paintings compose a diary of my everyday life and aspirations, expressing fears and joys that are personal but, at the same time, universal to the current consciousness.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Spring has Sprung

Swinging on a Star II by Ting Yuen
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The arrival of spring is definitely exciting, the air is warm and the sun sets later, what a bliss. Well, lots of great things are happening with the Art Rush Gallery, Paul and I now have an assistant, her name is Dori Vandaelle, she is fantastic! She has an amazing charisma and is definitely magical with people. Dori is also very knowlegeable with our art and jewelry as well as with the products that we represent. If you do visit the gallery please do not be shy in asking her for help.

Paul and I are enjoying the benefits of having Dori to assist us. Paul is working on our new website, which I have to say is fabulous, do check it out: www.artrushgallery.com. You can now shop on line, look at the art work and even read the stories attached. I am sure you'll love it as much as we do. Other than designing the website and dealing with the other mountain of things that he does, Paul is also getting ready to go out there to enjoy the spring and summer nature photography.

I, on the other hand am painting my new collection. I have moved my studio to my apartment, and am loving the privacy and the no distractions. The collection is coming along and it looks like a strong line of work will be showcased by June in the gallery as well as the website. I can't wait to share them with you!

Jewelry making is also on the go as usual, Paul and I are working hard at it and really having a hard time keeping up. We call those "good problems" and we have also come to the conclusion that we will always be behind and that is o.k.

If you get a chance, do visit us at the gallery, we are now displaying our new spring collection of art, jewelry and accessories. Paul, Dori and I look forward to serving you in the near future.