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Ting Yuen's Artist Diary

Artist Statement

I create lyrical worlds, where tribulations are perceived with inspiring humor, fetishes embraced with open arms, thoughts are symbolic, dreams are always infinite, and an ideal world is possible. In many ways, my paintings compose a diary of my everyday life and aspirations, expressing fears and joys that are personal but, at the same time, universal to the current consciousness.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Landscape: Discovering A New Genre

 Ever since I was a little girl, I drew about people, very much like what I do now but more childlike for obvious reasons :) The figurative dream scape blossomed once I've discovered how to paint, it allows me to express my imagination in a more profound way, but this year I've decided to try a new genre and see where this journey is going to bring me.

 Enlightenment I

My first inspiration to paint Enlightenment was sparked by my trip to Asia a few years back. I was admiring a pond of lotus in Ubud, Bali and I thought to myself, got to put some of  those in my paintings, which I did in various figurative artwork, in the background or foreground please see below:

 Courage II

After painting Courage II, I felt the need to make the lotus my main focus for my next painting which means a new genre of paintings is born: Landscape. Enlightenment I and II are both large paintings 24"x48". My discovery about painting flowers is that they are not easy to paint, as a painter I wanted to showcase the fragility, the dimensions and multi faceted layers of the flowers, these elements are definitely challenging and patience became my new best friend! I also love to put movement in my artwork so for Enlightenment I and II,  I set out to do so by painting the curves and turning of the leaves. I remember painting them for hours with soft music in the background to set the mood, consuming in each petals and resting in between only to come back with my eyes buggy and sore. The finished paintings proven to be time well spent and every buggy eye moment was worthwhile. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed painting them for you.

 Exploring a new genre has brought me even more inspirations for my future work and more skills to my painting knowledge. It's always good to learn something new, it's like being a child seeing things in a different light. My advice for anyone that wishes to try something new, go for it and let the challenges guide your journey. 

 Enlightenment II

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

My Art Mentor: Robert Genn May 15th 1936 - May 27th 2014

Robert Genn

I feel a great sadness today as I sit here writing a tribute to my mentor Robert Genn, whom passed away on May 27th, with tears in my eyes, I wonder what should I say and how to express my lost.

I don't know Robert Genn personally but I feel like somehow I know him quite intimately through his art, newsletters and his books. I remember the first time I saw his work about 10 years ago in Hambleton Gallery in Kelowna, I was awe struck by the presence of his landscape painting. It was majestic and the light that poured out from his brush strokes was magnificent. That was my first impression of Robert Genn. From that day onward, I was hooked on Robert Genn. I read his newsletter and bought his books. My favourite is The Painters's Key, it became my bible, I read it religiously every year before my painting season began. Although my art work has a completely different genre than Robert Genn's he truly is my most engaging and inspiring teacher. I've learned through his eyes and the ways he observed, he was masterful and wise beyond belief. His newsletter was always filled with rich insights, great quotations, techniques and definitely designed to inspire any artists that took the time to get a little closer to Robert Genn.

Thank you Robert for teaching me how to be a better artist, thank you for the inspirations and for being my mentor. Love you forever you will be greatly missed. Your legacy will live on. If you are an artist, please treat yourself to The Painter's Key, a book that truly enriched my life as an artist.To learn more about Robert Genn please click here: www.robertgenn.com

acrylic, canvas
30 x 34 in.

Self-portrait with Emily
Self-portrait with Emily painted by Robert Genn

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Art for your Valentine!

The Moonlit Chat III by Ting Yuen

The Moonlit Serenade by Ting Yuen

I am a huge fan of Romance and Love, matter of fact I have devoted an entire series to Romance. I have many paintings about this amazing subject. I have at least fifteen works devoted to my husband and best friend. My Romance Series is available as small prints and art cards, all of the Romance series originals are sold except for my newest Romance painting The Moonlit Chat III above.  If you wish to see more of my Romance Series please check out my website www.artrushgallery.com.

The stories for the above works are below:

The Moonlit Chat III

Moonlit Chat is about the importance of communication in a relationship. My husband Paul and I spend a lot of time together in both work and play and we are always chatting up a storm. We dream up new adventures and reminisce the past. The secret to good communication is trust, respect and putting our differences aside. Through our long conversations, Paul and I have learned to work through our differences and to use the challenges in our lives to strengthen our relationship. I love chatting with
 my best friend because it helps us to re-connect over and over again.

The Moonlit Serenade

This painting is created for the romantic at heart because I am one too. Moonlit Serenade is about the importance of romance. My husband and I have been together for twenty years, we have had our challenges and have worked through them and became stronger as a couple. One of the things that nurtures the strength of our relationship is doing special things for each other on a daily basis, this reminds us how much we appreciate each other and makes us come together as a loving couple.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Remember your loved ones and treat them to something thoughtful and special.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Art for the New Year

Guidance by Ting Yuen

My work is taking new turns and twists for the new year. Last year, before my move to Nelson, I did three landscape paintings which are not on line yet because I am still trying to catch up with the move and changes. Yikes! But alas I am semi caught up and to end 2013 one of my landscape paintings was sold on the last day of the year. For 2014, I am planning to do more landscape paintings in assorted formats making them affordable for anyone that loves to own an original of mine.

My signature styles of Dreamscapes will continue as well, I got quite a few sketched out already and am awaiting patiently to start my new collection. Next week I have a date with my Studio and planning to have many dates with my Studio from that day onward.

Operating a gallery and creating art can be such a juggle, they both need so much love and attention, sometimes I do feel quite torn, juggling and trying to find balance for my personal life as well. Impossible?? Nah, not in my vocabulary, I just have to get up earlier and do more.

This post I have chosen Guidance as my companion painting because she symbolizes my Higher Self that assists me in my art, I look forward to reacquaint with her and hope to draw from her inspirational well endlessly and am grateful to have Guidance as my forever muse.